It's Friday Cocktail Time!! Spiked Cherry Limeade Edition!!

Hey there mommas!! Happy Friday to ya!! Hope you mommas have had a fabulous week!  Every week I bribe my kids into doing their chores, behaving at school, not driving me crazy, you know those type of things.  So each week if they have done everything right (which is about 90% of the time surprisingly), then they get what we call a "Friday Treat."  These Friday Treats are serious business to my kids.  They loooooove Fridays for these treats alone.  Plus, it makes parenting so much easier for me because all I have to do is threaten, "If you don't make your bed then there's no Friday Treat for you."   Then it's like magic!! There's no whining or complaining--they just simply get it done without me having to yell.  I love not having to yell!!  Yay for not having to yell!!! I'm sure this goes against every parenting book out there to bribe your kids with sugar but I don't care people! It works and I'm sticking to it!!

So for these Friday Treats, we often end up at Sonic.  My kids love Sonic.  It's a M&M Sonic Blast for Little Mr. Mojito every single time and usually a sugary slush or frozen lemonade of some sort for Little Momma Mojito (she likes to mix it up every week!).  As for this momma, I get a Friday Treat too because well parenting is hard and surely I deserve a treat for my hard work right?! HA!! We'll go with that!! ;) So, sometimes I get a Cherry Dr. Pepper because Dr. Pepper is my ultimate soda weakness and I only allow myself one every so often.  One of my other favorite Sonic drinks is a Cherry Limeade.  Everybody loves Sonic Cherry Limeades right??!! Well guess what??!! It is SUPER crazy easy to make at home and what's even better is that it is DELICIOUS with some adult additives...aka alcohol!  You can make this drink with either vodka or white rum, either one is yummy but I normally go with vodka for this drink.  It's a fabulous easy peasy cocktail that is perfect for summertime.  Plus, it fits perfectly in our 10oz. tumblers like the "Party On!" one pictured above!!  So enjoy it and cheers mommas!!

xx, Momma Mojito




  • 1.5 oz. Skyy Vodka
  • 5-6 Maraschino Cherries (without stems) plus their juice
  • 2 thick slices of Lime
  • Splash of Grenadine
  • Sprite to taste
  • Additional Lime Slice for Garnish (if desired)


In a tall glass or one of our 10oz. tumblers, place the cherries in the bottom and pour in a bit of the juice from the jar.  Then, place the slices of lime on top of them.  Now muddle enough to release the lime flavor.  Now, add crushed ice almost to the top of the glass.  Add the vodka, grenadine, and then fill to the top with Sprite.  Give it a slight stir and garnish if you want or put your lid on it and take your yummy cocktail outside! Cheers mommas!!