I's Friday Cocktail Time! The White Wine Punch Edition!

Happy Friday to ya mommas and happy Mother's Day weekend!! I'm so excited that the weekend is finally here and I know you mommas are too! Mommas definitely all need a day for a little extra appreciation and love.  I totally get it...you have kids to take care of, a house, job, pets, a spouse...and so much more to deal with on a daily basis.  So all you mommas deserve a day to be shown how much you're loved and appreciated.

I got to celebrate a little early with my kids yesterday at their school for "Morning with Mom."  It was so super sweet seeing how proud and excited my kids were to show me all the things they had been working so hard on for me.  My fridge is now filled with all their beautiful Mother's Day artworks.  :) Mr. Mojito does a really great job of making me feel super special on Mother's Day as well.  He actually already surprised me early with a beautiful bouquet of flowers! My dining room looks so pretty with them and not to mention how heavenly it smells.

Mommas could also probably all use a cocktail on Mother's Day.  After all, mommas do put up with a lot and have more than their fair share of stress.  But have you ever bought a bottle of wine that you thought was going to be delicious and then you try it and it's anything but?  Ugh.  That's the worst.  It takes a lot for me to not like a wine, and one white wine that I bought here recently took the cake.  Yuck.  However, it dawned on me that I could turn this icky wine into something delicious -- a cocktail!  So here it is girls! My delicious and thrifty White Wine Punch! Cheers to all of you mommas, and I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

xo, Momma Mojito

(ps, our Mother's Day email promo is still going strong all weekend long -- take $10 off your purchase of $30 or more with code TAKETENFORMOMMAS at checkout!)





  • 4 oz. Chilled White Wine
  • 1.5 oz. Gin
  • Juice of Half an Orange
  • 1 Splash of Simple Syrup
  • Orange Wedge and Mint Sprig for Garnish


n a cocktail shaker filled with ice, pour in wine, gin, orange juice, and simple syrup.  Shake until chilled.  Strain into a ice-filled wine glass.  Garnish and enjoy! Cheers mommas!