cherry rum and coke

It's Friday Cocktail Time!! Cherry Cuba Libré Edition!

Hey mommas! How was your week? Are you as excited as I am that Friday is finally here?? And it's the last Friday of January too! It's hard to believe a whole month of 2018 has gone by! How are your resolutions coming?

I used to be one of those people that didn't make resolutions...just kept on trying to better myself as a whole every year.  This year, I feel like I have so many goals I'm trying to reach that I had to put some things in writing and hold myself accountable.  So far, so good.  One month down.  Haha.

There's this chain restaurant that I'm sure you've all heard of and been to called BJ's.  It's fun and lively.  It has an assorted menu of all sorts of things that are all decent enough, but the real reason to go is the cocktails and the beer of course.  While my husband loves all the different types of beer they brew in house, I like to explore their cocktail menu.

Years ago, my family and I were visiting College Station and went to the Texas A&M vs Alabama football game.  I can't remember now what month it was, but it was hot.  Ridiculously hot.  And since we waited until the last minute to get our tickets, we had nosebleed seats way up high at Kyle Field.  It was a long, hot climb up there and it was a long, hot trek down.  Then, by the time we navigated our way down through the crowd (after losing the game unfortunately), we had to make the long trek to the car.  All of this with 4 and 6 year olds I might add.  That's no easy feat!  We finally made it to the car and made our way through traffic to BJ's.  After an hour and a half wait, we were finally seated and I immediately told the waiter, "I NEED a cocktail." Haha.  I was desperate at this point after such a long exhausting day.  I ended up getting their Sailor Jerry's Cherry Soda which was essentially their cherry cola mixed with Spiced Sailor Jerry Rum.  It tasted like a glass of heaven.  I think I finished it in 3 gulps, it was so good.  To make a long story short, I quickly realized that while a good old fashioned Cuba Libré is wonderful, a cherry version??? Oh man, it is delicious.  So here it is mommas.  My oh-so-good and oh-so-easy Cherry Cuba Libré.  Cheers and see you next week! ;)

xo, Momma Mojito




  • 2 oz. Spiced Rum (I like Bacardi Oakheart or Kraken for this one!)
  • 4-6 oz. Cherry Coca-Cola (Your choice on how much cola you like to add to your rum!)
  • 3 Dashes of Aromatic Bitters
  • Small Splash of Maraschino Cherry Juice
  • Juice of One Lime Wedge
  • Lime Wedge and a Maraschino Cherry for Garnish
  • Straw of Your Choice


In a highball glass of your choice, fill with ice.  Pour in the rum, bitters, cherry juice, lime juice, and lastly the cola.  Stir it all together.  Garnish with a lime wedge and cherry.  Throw in a fun paper straw or whatever kind of straw you prefer for easy sipping and enjoy! :)