
It's Friday Cocktail Time!! Encore of the MARDI GRAS EDITION!!

Hey mommas!! Did you know that Mardi Gras season is here already? For those of you like me that don't actually celebrate the religious side of Mardi Gras but join in on the festivities anyway, well newsflash--Fat Tuesday is coming up on February 13th! Yep, it's time to let the good times roll...or as they say down in Louisiana, "Laissez les bon temps rouler!!"

For those of you who missed my HUGE Mardi Gras post last year, well here's your chance to catch up.  It's an encore of our Mardi Gras edition, and oh my goodness is it a good one! Not only is there my recipe for the iconic Mardi Gras cocktail, the Hurricane, in here BUT I also included my recipe for my delicious homemade Gumbo!! Gumbo is a big deal around my house girls.  To tell you the truth, I think if Mr. Mojito found a woman who could make gumbo better than I do, he might actually leave me for her.  Haha, not really but he does take his gumbo seriously and I...well I take all food seriously so it's a win-win!  Enjoy these 2 recipes mommas and don't forget to watch the video of the gumbo cooking down at the bottom.  Cheers mommas and see you next week! ;)

xo, Momma Mojito

Hey there mommas!! Guess what?! It's Mardi Gras time!!! I don't know about all of you but I sure do love Mardi Gras time.  In my daydreams, I imagine myself as a Louisiana woman barefeet with a sundress on and tanned skin, always listening to the Revivalists and Preservation Hall Jazz Band, windows open in the house, smile on my face, and cooking away in the kitchen some unbelievably delicious and spicy dish that I somehow make look easy like I've been doing it all my life.  BUT that's just my daydreams.  Reality isn't that picturesque.  However, that doesn't mean that I can't LOVE me some of that cajun culture! Good food, good music, good times...I mean what's not to love right??

Well in my time of admiring and aspiring to be as cool as a Louisiana native, I've learned a thing or two in the kitchen about cajun food.  I know most of the time I just post cocktail recipes on here, but today I'm going to do a little something different!!!!  In celebration of one of my favorite times of year--Mardi Gras, I'm bringing you my very own Gumbo recipe as well as my delicious Hurricane cocktail!!!!!

Now don't be fooled by people that will tell you Gumbo is easy to make.  They are liars and should not be deceiving us normal people who aren't goddesses in the kitchen.  Gumbo is a love/hate relationship for me.  I LOVE to eat it but dread cooking it.  I get anxious, sweaty, and hungry all at once.  It's a weird feeling but for some reason I keep doing it.  It's because if you get it right, Gumbo is SO DAMN GOOD.  It's comforting, spicy, delicious, and keeps you coming back for more.  Don't be afraid to practice this one a few times and even your screw-ups won't taste too bad.  But it does take practice and I will tell you why... It's the roux.  Damn roux.  It's so simple yet so incredibly complicated that it irritates me.  You have to cook the roux until it's chocolate brown. Yes past the part where you think you need to stop.  Nope keep cooking and stirring. Then at the very last second when you think surely you have burned the stuff, THEN that's when you stop.  It's taken me many a failed attempts at roux to sorta get this right.  I'm still no expert by any means but I'm getting better! ;)  Be sure to check out my video at the end of this post for a visual!!

On a different thirst-quenching note, the Hurricane cocktail is a fabulous cocktail that just goes hand-in-hand with Mardi Gras.  It's easy to make, easy to multiply it to make a pitcher for a crowd, and it tastes amazing.  Oh and did I mention that it's strong??? ;) Yes ma'am.  You didn't think it would be any other way right??  Feel free to modify the juices for whatever you have on hand. It's basically a boozy punch mixed with plenty of juices and plenty of rums.

So here you go Gumbo recipe along with my Hurricane recipe just for you.  And I hope you have a wonderful and safe Mardi Gras celebration of your own!! Laissez les bon temps rouler!! (Let the good times roll Mommas!!) 

xo, Momma Mojito




  • 3/4 lb. uncooked chicken breasts, cut into bite sizes
  • 3/4 lb. Andouille smoked sausage, sliced
  • 1 lb. uncooked small, peeled, and tail-off shrimp
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil + 1 tbsp. for cooking meats
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup finely chopped onion
  • 1 cup chopped celery
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 chopped green bell pepper
  • 64 oz. reduced sodium chicken broth
  • 2 chopped Roma tomatoes
  • Creole seasoning (to taste) -- (I like Tony Chachere's or Slap Yo Mama!)
  • 12 oz. frozen cut okra
  • Chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
  • Hot cooked white rice
  • Cornbread


In a large pot or Dutch oven, heat the 1 tbsp. of vegetable oil over medium-high heat.  When hot, throw in the chicken pieces.  Lightly season with a bit of creole season as they cook.  Turn and finish cooking on the other side until no longer pink.  Remove the chicken and set aside.  Now, throw the sausage in and sprinkle with some creole seasoning as well.  Cook until lightly browned on both sides.  Now remove the sausage and set aside. 

Now, this is time to make the roux.  Add your 1/2 cup of vegetable oil.  You need it hot.  Watch until you begin to see small bubbles.  When it's hot, throw in the flour with your whisk in the other hand.  Immediately, begin whisking CONSTANTLY for approximately 5 minutes or until the roux turns chocolate brown.  Yes chocolate brown.  KEEP WHISKING!! Does it look almost like it's burnt?  It's not.  Just when you think you've almost burned it, add the onion, celery, garlic, and bell pepper.  Stir very often and cook for about 5 minutes until the veggies are crisp-tender.

Next, stir in all of that chicken broth and the chopped Roma tomatoes.  Now season to taste with the creole seasoning.  It's going to take quite a bit because there's a lot of gumbo in there.  Taste as you go but be sure not to add too much because then it will be too spicy and too salty.  Throw in your cooked chicken and sausage, as well as your uncooked shrimp.  When all of that comes to a boil and the shrimp are pink and beginning to float, add the frozen cut okra and bring it to a boil again.  Then, reduce the heat to a simmer.  Add your chopped parsley and simmer for 20 minutes or longer.   The longer you let it cook, the thicker it will get.  Serve over hot cooked white rice in individual bowls and of course with a big helping of cornbread and a hurricane cocktail!!  YUM!! Enjoy mommas!!




  • 2 oz. Dark Rum (I used Pyrat)
  • 2 oz. Pineapple-Flavored Rum (I used Captain Morgan Pineapple)
  • 1.5 oz. Cranberry Juice
  • 1.5 oz. Orange Juice
  • Juice of Half a Lime
  • Splash of Grenadine Syrup
  • Splash of Simple Syrup
  • Garnishes such as orange wheel, lime wheel, cherry, etc.


In a hurricane glass, fill with ice and set aside.  Next, fill a cocktail shaker with ice and add all ingredients except the garnishes.  Shake and strain into the hurricane glass.  Garnish as desired. Drink immediately and enjoy with your bowl of Gumbo!!  Cheers mommas!!

**note-- I also have an additional Hurricane recipe from August 2017 that includes a few hard-to-find ingredients but is more similar to the original hurricane recipe...feel free to use my easy version shown here or the original because BOTH are delicious and taste very similar!**

It's Friday Cocktail Time!! Hurricane Edition!!

Hey Mommas!! Happy Friday to ya!! It's been a busy but exciting week around the Momma Mojito HQ! We have some very exciting news coming to Momma Mojito, but we're going to keep a secret a bit longer! But trust us, this surprise is going to be worth the wait!! :)

I am so glad it's Friday, but it's a bit of an ominous Friday with the looming Hurricane Harvey coming into the Texas coast.  If you've been following along, you'll know I'm a former Texas Aggie (whoop!) and I spent 4 great years in College Station, Texas which is about an hour and a half northwest of Houston.  When I was a freshman there in College Station, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans and many students from LSU and other Louisiana universities were transferred to A&M because of the damage to their schools.  Hurricane Rita followed closely behind and I retreated home turning a normal 5 hour drive into a 10 hour drive in all the chaos and traffic of people evacuating.  Years later, Mr. Mojito and I were married and I was pregnant with our first kiddo when Hurricane Ike plowed through the Texas coast right on up through College Station. We lived in an itty-bitty 600 square feet fourplex that had literally the biggest cockroaches you've ever seen in your life!! Those suckers were monster-size!! I still think I have nightmares about those things!! Anyway, our parents desperately wanted us to evacuate and looking back--they probably knew what they were talking about seeing as how that house probably provided us absolutely zero protection.  But, we were young and stubborn and decided to ride it out.  We even threw a Hurricane Watch Party and had games and drinks (for everyone except this pregnant momma!) and really had a blast while we watched The Weather Channel nervously!  We ended up losing lots of trees and power lines on our street, but not too much else besides that. We were lucky thank goodness.

Those experiences are all peanuts compared to what the people along the Texas coast are going to be going through this weekend.  So since I am sure no one in the affected areas is reading this right now (hopefully you all are evacuated---if not, then get your butt movin' mommas!!), how about the rest of us have a cocktail while we wait and hope for the best for Texas??  And what better cocktail than the Hurricane???  Absolutely!! The Hurricane is a really great cocktail that has come to greatness through Mardi Gras culture in New Orleans, and with good reason--it's strong, delicious, and easy to drink.

In this recipe, I utilized our new gorgeous Mason Jar Cactus Shaker and Sipper which makes this recipe a breeze!  All you have to do is whip it up in the shaker, and then strain into the sipper and you're good to go!! You actually don't even have to strain if you don't want to, you can just drink it with the cocktail shaker part removed or switch out the lid with the Prickly Pear lid!! Yes that's right---the lids are interchangeable!!! Score!! The only reason to strain is the pulp.  If the lime and orange pulp don't bother you, then by all means--make it easy on yourself like I did and pop the Prickly Pear lid on there and call it a day.

So here's the recipe mommas!! Cheers and here's hoping for a safe weekend for everyone!!!  See you next time!! ;)

xx, Momma Mojito




  • 1.5 oz Clear Rum (2 oz for you mommas that like it strong!!)
  • 1.5 oz Dark Rum (2 oz for you mommas that like it strong!!)
  • 2 oz Passion Fruit Juice (Hard to find sometimes--look in the cold area of your grocery store next to the fresh Orange Juice---if you can't find then substitute a tropical fruit juice blend!!)
  • 1 oz Orange Juice
  • Juice of Half a Lime
  • 1 tbsp Simple Syrup
  • 1 tbsp Grenadine
  • Garnishes such as orange wheel, lime wheel, and a cherry (optional and not necessary if you are drinking in our Prickly Pear Cactus Sipper)


In a cocktail shaker, fill with ice.  Squeeze lime juice into the shaker.  Now pour in the rest of the ingredients.  Shake vigorously until cold.  Now if you're using our Cactus Collection, simply pop the lid on and you're good to go.  If not, pour into a glass.  (Straining is only necessary if you don't like pulp!!!)  Garnish, if desired, and enjoy!! Cheers mommas!!

The gang's all here!!!

All filled up in the shaker!!

YUM!! Garnish like I did or....

Pop the lid on and you're good to go!! Cheers!! :)