
It's Friday Cocktail Time!! Strawberry Thyme Martini--Recap Edition!

Hey mommas! I was browsing through some of my past cocktail recipes, when I stumbled upon this yummy one.  I completely forgot how much I love this cocktail! I love mixing fruity flavors with herbs.  The combination always makes for a great cocktail.  So this week, Friday Cocktail Time is a recap of this delicious Strawberry Thyme Martini.  I'll be making myself one here shortly, and you should too.  Happy Friday mommas! See you girls next week! Cheers!

xo, Momma Mojito


(Note: The following cocktail recipe was originally posted here on May 12, 2017.)

Hey mommas!! Happy Friday to ya!!! Can you believe it's already halfway through May?? My kids get out of school in a week and a half! I haven't decided if I'm excited or a little disappointed.  It changes on any given day.  On the one hand, I love having my kids home in the summer and doing fun stuff with them.  I'm super excited we have a great neighborhood pool that's just a short walk from our new house that we can enjoy this summer! Plus, I always love taking them to parks and museums and the random afternoon matinee of the newest children's movie.  All fun stuff.  These are all things I love to do with my monkeys in the summer.  On the other hand, I like silence and being able to get chores done with ease...or not hearing arguing when I'm trying to listen to a new favorite song...or being able to go to the bathroom without someone knocking on the door asking if they can have ANOTHER container of Pringles!!! UGH!! And don't even get me started on trying to work out with kids in the house---seriously I don't want an audience when I'm attempting to do burpees OKAY?! Oh, the life of a mom:  so much fun...yet so much work and so little personal time.... okay let's be honest--ZERO personal time.

Anywho---- speaking of moms, it's Mother's Day on Sunday!! Yay!! The one day you can guilt-trip your husband into doing the dishes and he actually does it without complaining!! I'll take it!! ;)  Because I love all you mommas, I decided to have my BIGGEST sale to date by offering 25% off your entire order now through Sunday at midnight just to show all you mommas some love!  So go ahead, treat yourself momma because you totally deserve it!! (pssss---this is a great time to snag one of our gorgeous Agate Wraps that are so hot right now for one heck of a deal!!!!)

Another thing going on this time of year is it's strawberry season.  Ahh, don't you just love strawberry season?!   Strawberries are my all-time favorite fruit (blackberries being a close second!) and I love to put strawberries on EVERYTHING!  Seriously....oatmeal, toast, pancakes, yogurt, salad, and of course--COCKTAILS!! Yes strawberries and cocktails just go together like PB&J.  So continuing on my strawberry obsession which I started up on the previous post with my Sour Strawberry Cocktail, I now give you a Strawberry Thyme Martini that is so interesting and different, but still delicious and sweet.  The thyme gives it a unique herby, woodsy taste while the strawberries bring the sweet and fruitiness.  This martini is equal parts easy and elegant so it's perfect to serve to your mother-in-law coming to stay with you this weekend! ;) Cheers mommas and have a very, very happy momma's day!!!! :) <3

xx and much love to all you fellow mommas,

Momma Mojito




  • 2 oz. Tito's Vodka (or your personal preference in vodka)
  • Juice of Half a Large Lemon or a Full Small Lemon
  • 1/4 oz. Simple Syrup
  • 3 Strawberries--Sliced
  • 3 Sprigs of Thyme (can be found in your local grocer's produce section--or grow your own---it's super easy and hardy to grow!!)
  • Sugar for Rim of Martini Glass


Take a martini glass and either wet the rim with water OR you can cut open your lemon and run it along the rim instead.  Now in a shallow plate, pour some sugar and take the martini glass and dip into the sugar all along the rim.  Set aside.  In a cocktail shaker, place the sliced strawberries and 2 of the thyme sprigs in the bottom. Cover with the simple syrup and muddle thoroughly.  Fill with ice.  Next, add the vodka and lemon juice.  Cover the shaker and shake vigorously for 30 seconds.  Strain into the martini glass and garnish with the last thyme sprig. That's it!! Enjoy!!