momma mojito's mojito

It's Friday Cocktail Time! Mojito Season's Here!

Happy Friday mommas and happy MOJITO season!! Woohoo!!! Who's as excited as me?! It's officially spring and FINALLY starting to warm up a bit, so let's celebrate with a mojito...shall we?!

Those of you that have followed along with me will be familiar with my mojito.  However, I still get questions all the time from people just wanting to know a little bit more.  Don't be overwhelmed though mommas! There is absolutely nothing tricky at all about a mojito! It's as easy to make as it is to drink! ;) 

I put together a brief little video this week showcasing just how simple it really is.  Check it out at the link at the bottom of this post! Throw some mint in a glass with some simple syrup over the top, muddle, fill with ice-rum-lime juice-and club soda, and call it a day.  So easy and so refreshing.  Plus, you can totally customize it to however you prefer.  Like a little more lime? Sure, add some more lime juice.  Prefer raw sugar?  Just muddle it up with the mint leaves.  Want it a little less strong on the booze? Take it down a half ounce.  Make it however suits you, but I will only make one simple request.  Do NOT substitute the Bacardi.  Don't do it.  The Bacardi Superior Silver Rum is iconic to the mojito.  Anything else you try to substitute will not taste as good.  Trust me.  Stick to the original rum on this one and you won't be disappointed.

Hope you mommas enjoy the first weekend of spring! Cheers and see you next week! :)

xo, Momma Mojito




  • .75 oz to 1 oz. Simple Syrup (make it yourself or store-bought works great too!)
  • 1.5 oz to 2 oz. Bacardi Superior Silver Rum
  • Juice of Half a Lime to Full Lime (depending on size and your preference)
  • Club Soda to Taste
  • Ice
  • 5-8 Mint Leaves (depending on size)
  • Lime Wheel and Mint Sprig for Garnish


In a highball glass, throw your mint leaves down at the bottom and pour the syrup on top.  Muddle enough to bring out the flavor of the leaves but do not destroy the leaves.  Fill 3/4 of the glass with ice and muddle again to pack the ice in.  Add rum, lime juice, and top with club soda.  Give it a slight stir and garnish.  Cheers!