
It's Friday Cocktail Time!! The Pirate PSL!!

Hey mommas!!! Happy first Friday of October!! Who's excited that October is finally here?? It's finally starting to feel a teeny bit like fall outside and signs of fall are all around.  I was driving the kids home from school today and noticed so many of the leaves have already started turning yellow.  There are pumpkins decorating every front porch in the neighborhood, and the gorgeous bursts of color with the mums and pansies just has me swooning!! My family and I went to the pumpkin patch last weekend and loaded up on all sorts of funky and odd-shaped pumpkins.  Isn't it fun to pick out the funkiest looking pumpkins that you can find?? Of course, you always have to pick out a big giant perfect orange one for the jack-o-lantern..right?? So much fun.  I'm planning on stocking up on some mums and pansies this weekend and planting them in the flower bed, and I can't wait!! Love this time of year!!

Speaking of fall, one of my other favorite things about fall is Pumpkin Spice Lattes of course!! I know that I have already professed my love for all things PSL to you mommas, but honestly PSL time only comes once a year so gotta get it while ya can!! ;)  Because I do so love a delicious PSL, I decided to carry my love on over to Friday Cocktail Time--one of my other loves--and combine them to one delicious and fabulous Friday post!! YAY!!!  So you mommas may not know this but in my little family, we're pretty big pirate fans around here.  Like seriously.  Pirates of the Caribbean?? We've seen every one.  SEVERAL times each.  We've been on the ride at DisneyWorld like a million times.  We've taken the pirate lessons there too.  Heck, my daughter got to go on stage at Disney and even get a sword-fighting lesson from Captain Jack Sparrow himself (while she was dressed up head-to-toe as a mermaid, mind you!).  Oh, and let's not forget Mr. Mojito and I looooove us some Captain Morgan.  Seriously, did you really think with a name like Momma Mojito that we wouldn't like Captain Morgan?! ;)  Anywho, did you know that every year at this time Captain Morgan releases their Jack-O'Blast Spiced Rum which is a Pumpkin Spice Rum??!! Yeah, so good.  It's actually one of the very, very few liquors I enjoy by itself.  So my cocktail recipe this week is called the Pirate Pumpkin Spice Latte because it mixes all of the yumminess of a PSL with all of the yumminess of the Pumpkin Spice Rum!! Plus, it's a breeze to make with our awesome shortcut of using Pumpkin Spice flavored Creamer!!  Make one this weekend and get excited for fall!! Cheers mommas!!! :)

xo, Momma Mojito

(P.S. Thank you all so much for showing us love last weekend on our 1 year anniversary!! We are so grateful to all of you sweet mommas for following along with us on our journey!!)





  • 8 oz. Strong-Brewed Coffee
  • 2 oz. Captain Morgan Jack-O'Blast! Spiced Rum
  • 1 oz. Pumpkin Spice Flavored Coffee Creamer (any brand--I used Coffeemate....Use more or less than 1 oz. to your own taste!!)
  • Whipped Cream
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice
  • Caramel Sauce


Make your coffee per your preferred method, but make it stronger than usual.  You need strong coffee to balance the sweetness!  When the coffee is done, pour it in a mug of your choice.  Pour in the rum and creamer and stir it all together.  Now top with the whipped cream, sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice, and a drizzle of caramel sauce.  Enjoy immediately!! Happy Fall mommas! :)

Momma Mojito's tee and flannel can be found here .