
It's Friday Cocktail Time!! Best Beer Recap Edition!!

Hey mommas! Happy Friday to ya! In honor of St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, I've decided to do a recap from last year's St. Patrick's Day post all about beer!! Hope you find this list of some of my favorite beers helpful! Cheers and see you next week mommas! :)

xo, Momma Mojito

Hey mommas!! Happy Friday and happy St. Patrick's Day to ya!! Hope you've got your green on!! In honor of St. Patrick's Day today, I decided to round up all of my favorite beers that I think are the absolute best and share them with you guys!!

It's a known fact that I do love a good cocktail, and of course I love my wine.  However, every once in a while, you just crave a crisp and refreshing brew.  It's true.  Now, I won't lie to you; beer is not my go-to choice of beverage.  While it may be Mr. Mojito's, I don't think mojitos (or wine!) and I will ever part.  Now a good portion of my list has some girly choices, but hey I AM a girl and I'm not ashamed that I do like some of the fruitier beers.  If you're a guy reading this post, this list will probably not be helpful for you.  However, I think you ladies will appreciate this list.

Mr. Mojito always makes me laugh when we're out at bars and restaurants.  Without fail, he always asks what beers they have on tap, and he always branches out and tries a new one.  But 99.9% of the time, he hates whatever new beer he tries and he has to force himself to drink it.  Sometimes they are so bad, he won't even bother drinking it and will just order something else.  While Mr. Mojito's adventurous beer-drinking spirit is admirable, he already knows what beer he loves and once you have found the one---sometimes it's hard for anything else to even come close. That's how I feel about Mr. Mojito....except maybe Ryan Gosling-he may come close.  JUST KIDDING! (Mr. Mojito, if you're reading this--it was just a JOKE! ;) )

So before I dig my hole any deeper, here's my list of my 10 favorite beers.  And yes, Mr. Mojito and I actually do agree on #1 on the list.  Gotta hand it to him...he has good taste in beer...and women! ;) Cheers mommas and see you next week!!

xx, Momma Mojito



10. Heineken Lager

9. Corona Extra Lager

8. Sam Adams Boston Lager

7. Shiner Holiday

6. Blue Moon Belgian White

5. Landshark Lager

4.  Shiner Ruby Redbird

3. Shiner Prickly Pear

2. Dos Equis Lager

1. Shiner Bock


*Note--this is NOT an advertisement for Shiner...we just like Shiner in this family and so should you! Now if Shiner wanted to send a sponsorship this way, I can't say we'd turn them down!  ;)