teacher walkout

It's Friday Cocktail Time! French 75 Edition!

Hey mommas! Happy Friday to you girls! (Happy Friday to any guys out there that happen to be reading this as well!) It's been a wild week here in Oklahoma City! As many of you know, Oklahoma teachers are on a walkout this week and schools are closed consequently.  I make a point to not let my political beliefs spill over into my business.  However, as a momma who obviously cares about my children's education, I'm pretty sure it would be easy to see where I stand on the issue.  Nevertheless, this week of being out of school has really thrown off our schedule...BIG time.  Our hours have naturally been off and I feel like I'm struggling to stay on top of things this week.  So if you notice that I've been a little quieter than normal on social media, know that I'm probably giving math quizzes and reading stories to my kiddos while they're home with me.  It's an important job teaching our youth, and I certainly appreciate our teachers for doing it.

With all that said, I'm sure you can tell it's been a stressful week around here and I could use a cocktail...how 'bout you girls?  There's this wonderful little restaurant and venue here in OKC called The Jones Assembly.  It's really a pretty neat little place with a wonderful atmosphere.  Plus, they share my love for deep shades of blue with industrial elements and shades of copper and gold.  On our very first visit when they first opened, I ordered something very simple-- a grilled chicken salad.  I was super disappointed when the chicken came back extremely dry and blah.  That's never a good sign when you feel like you could have cooked it a heck of a lot better at your own house.  So, I wasn't so sure about the place at first.  However, the atmosphere is so fun that we decided to give it a second shot on my birthday back in December.  I'm SO glad we did, because the food was phenomenal that time.  I had a pork chop that was delicious.  Must have just been some early opening issues they were dealing with at first, but they worked it out and now The Jones Assembly is definitely worth a visit if you haven't been.  Oh, and have I mentioned that they have some AMAZING cocktails? Seriously, go just for the drinks sometime when you have a babysitter and an Uber.  They have a wonderful mix of classic cocktails with new innovative and surprising options too.  On my birthday visit, I was feeling celebratory and wanted something festive to start with.  Enter the French 75.  It's bubbly, citrusy, and oh so delicious.  I fell in love.  My version is a tad different than theirs and not quite as sweet but equally yummy in its own right.  Try it the next time you need a cocktail that's festive but still super easy to make!

Cheers mommas and have a wonderful weekend! And teachers...hang in there.  Just to show how much we care, we're giving free gifts to all teachers (in any state!) in every order the entire month of April.  Just let us know in the Gift Options at checkout that you're a teacher. Type in what grade you teach and where you teach at, and we'll add a fun surprise into your order! See you next Friday mommas!

xo, Momma Mojito

(ps..this also makes for a fabulous brunch cocktail!)




  • 1.5 oz Gin
  • .5 oz Fresh Lemon Juice (about half a lemon)
  • .5 oz Simple Syrup
  • Champagne or Sparkling White Wine
  • Lemon Peel Ribbon for Garnish


In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add gin, lemon juice and simple syrup.  Shake until thoroughly chilled--about 30 seconds.  Strain into a champagne flute.  Fill to the top of the glass with champagne.  Add Lemon Peel Ribbon. (Tip: To make a ribbon easily--cut a slice of lemon and cut away the fruit from the peel.  Wrap around your finger to make it curl! Easy!)  Cheers!