
It's Friday Cocktail Time! Real Life Edition!

Okay, mommas.  Normally I try to post a fresh new cocktail recipe every week for you all.  Every once in a while, I get a little behind.  But for the most part, I'm pretty good about it.  And I absolutely love writing on here.  It's one of my favorite parts of my job.

But real life here for a second...I am super stressed out and so damn busy.  Like every day is a freaking sprint from dawn until midnight.  I'm exhausted.  I had every intention of making a "Club Special" for you today, but you mommas know how some days go.  One kid is sick, the other has sport events, one animal needs to go to the vet, someone needs something washed for one thing or another.  It's always something in our house.  And this momma is overworked and way behind on a million things.  Business here has been absolutely amazing, and while I do have some help here and there, I'm still mostly a one-woman show.  So since I have been swamped with packing orders and #momlife today, I won't be posting a new cocktail today.  Just a pic of real backyard with my babies drinking an Angry Orchard Rosé...which by the way tastes just like a Jolly Rancher! :)

So mommas, I hope you all get a chance this weekend to sit back and enjoy a cold one on your porch while you watch your kiddos play.  Relax and enjoy just being present.  Cheers mommas!

xo, Momma Mojito

(ps, see you back next week for a new cocktail recipe...promise!)