Meet Momma Mojito

Hey Mommas! Now that we are nearing the date of our grand opening on Saturday, I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce myself.  My name is Leslie Baker.  I am the founder of Momma Mojito.  I am a wife to my amazing husband of 8 years and also mother to a precious 7 year old girl and sweet 5 year old boy.  I have my hands full with those 3.  That's for sure.  Oh and let's not forget our crazy dog, who is a 10 year old white Labrador.  Then, there's our 3 year old grey feisty little cat.  It gets kind of wild at our house.  Usually the kids are running around hopefully squealing and having a blast playing together, but usually hollering and bickering at each other until I can't take it anymore and I send their little bottoms outside to play.  I guess that's what brothers and sisters do huh? Fun stuff.  Next, there's my husband.  He's the most ornery one of the bunch.  Seriously, he is such a mess.  He's always wrestling with one of the kids or giving me a hard time about something.  That's what I love about him though...he always keeps me laughing.  Big time.  Enough of the mushy stuff, back to my little rugrats.  Those 2 kids drive me crazy but boy am I crazy about them.  I never truly understood the phrase "momma bear" until a teacher rubbed me wrong with the way she handled my daughter in her early years of school and oh did I realize it then.  Don't mess with a momma bear.  Right mommas?  My kids are special, sweet little kids. Don't get me wrong though.  I'm well aware they make mistakes, and you can bet I'll be the first one to correct them and straighten it all out.  I'm also the first one to give them a hug and encourage them to try harder next time.  I work hard at mothering, however let's be honest...being a mother is tough and you never get any breaks.  Some days I think I'm finally getting it right, then the next day we wake up late for school and both kids walk into school with wrinkled clothes and hair that looks like they just rolled out of bed.  You can't win 'em all, right mommas?

A year ago, when my baby was off to full-day preschool, I sat in my empty and very unnervingly quiet house wondering what the heck was I going to do with all my free time.  My initial thought was that it would be great and I could listen to whatever music I wanted to, finally watch an adult TV show, go get my nails done, do the grocery shopping by myself.  You know-- all those adult things you take for granted.  Well, that was all good and great for about a month, but then I started to get really bored.  Like really bored.  So I started thinking about all the things I love -- my sweet family, fun times, fashion, and of course maybe a good drink or two.  I then embarked on a journey to combine all of those things into one online community for women to shop and bond with other women, like myself, who are trying hard to get it right and want to look great doing it.  Sure sometimes we go out with stains on our shirt, baby spit-up in our hair that hasn't been washed in who knows how many days but hey-- we're working on it.  I'm with ya mommas! So I've coined myself Momma Mojito.  If you're wondering why real reason other than I love mojitos.  Seriously, they are my favorite.  Oh and I make a mean one.  Period.  So there ya have it.  I can't wait to hear from all you mommas and all of you non-mommas.  Can't wait to hear all of your stories, your successes, and your failures as I share all of mine.  Connect with me on any social media (I'm on ALL of them!), shoot me an email, or leave me a comment in the comments section.   Whichever you prefer, I'm here for you ladies and I'm beyond excited about it.

xx Leslie (aka Momma Mojito)