It's Friday Cocktail Time!! The Sour Strawberry Edition!!

Hey Mommas!!  Happy last Friday of April to ya!! Can you believe it's almost May??? Crazy right?? Just 3 more weeks left of school for us and I really can't believe it.  It's supposed to be in the 50s here all weekend, but school's almost out!?!? Whaaat????  I guess that's Oklahoma weather for ya!!

Nevermind the weird weather, it's the growing season and things are in full bloom around here. All of the lush green surroundings just gets me giddy.  I love this time of year.  Our new house in OKC has a gorgeous greenbelt behind it, and I have to admit it's quite serene looking out the back windows at solid trees.  Also, we're in the midst of mint season and what's not to love about that?!? I have mint growing all over the place....sweet mint, spearmint, and even chocolate mint. Yes you heard me right--CHOCOLATE MINT.  Who would have thought that such a plant existed? It really does smell like chocolate mint.  The only downfall is it makes me want Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies. Since I have a constant supply of those with a Girl Scout in the house (Little Momma Mojito), then that's a bad thing.  Ha!

Anyway, I've been whipping up all sorts of cocktails lately with all of this glorious mint growing, and I have a really yummy one to share with you all!! And guess what?! It actually doesn't involve rum on this one!! I set my love of rum aside for this recipe, and switched it up with some whiskey. It's a good switch for this cocktail.  The whiskey adds a depth to this drink that's really interesting and flavorful.  If you don't have mint growing in abundance at your house like I do, no worries. You can find it in packages in your grocers' produce area.  It's usually located near the prepackaged lettuce mixes.

This is a really delicious, bright cocktail to serve as the weather warms up.  It's best served with friends and outside on your porch....or alone..while the kids are napping and you're on your back porch in a rocking chair with a baby monitor in your hand.  Haha! Your choice!  Whichever works best for ya momma!! ;)  Hope you all love it just as much as I do.  Cheers mommas and have a great weekend!!! :)

xx, Momma Mojito




  • 1.5 oz. Whiskey or Bourbon (I make it with Crown Royal)
  • .5 oz. Simple Syrup
  • Juice of Half a Lemon
  • 1/4 tsp. Honey
  • 3-4 Sliced Strawberries
  • 5 Fresh Mint Leaves
  • Ginger Ale to taste
  • Lemon Slice, Small Strawberry, & Additional Mint to Garnish


In a highball glass or glass of your choice, throw the sliced strawberries and mint leaves at the bottom.  Pour the simple syrup and honey on top.  Muddle until strawberries begin to break down just slightly.  Fill with ice.  Next, add the whiskey and lemon juice.  Finally, fill to the top with ginger ale.  Give it a stir until drink turns a blush color.  Garnish and enjoy!  Cheers mommas!!