
It's Friday Cocktail Time!! Skinny Sparkling Juice Edition!!

Prickly Pear Cactus Sipper available here

Hey mommas!! It's that time again!! Finally Friday!! I'm super excited this Friday because I have a date night planned with Mr. Mojito and we NEVER get date nights!! We do try to have regular lunch dates but those are usually short and sweet as we both always have work to get back to! But there's just something so nice and relaxing about having a date night every once in a while!! Who am I kidding?? I mean as OFTEN AS POSSIBLE!!! You mommas get it--we all could use as many date nights sans kids fighting, whining, and cleaning ketchup off faces as we can I right??!!

Anyway, as much as I love a good cocktail on Fridays, cocktails are notoriously caloric and loaded with sugar-- and those can add up quickly on the waistline unfortunately.  I'm under the belief that all drinks should be calorie-free right....I mean I completely understand that a slice of cheesecake is going to cost me loads of calories and fat, but do I really have to admit that cocktails have lots of calories and sugar?? And what about my Pumpkin Spice Latte?? Can't I enjoy that guilt-free for goodness sake?! Ugh. Reality sucks sometimes.  Don't fret though mommas!!!! I have a delicious, quick, and delightful cocktail that is UNDER 120 CALORIES. Um YEAH you heard me right.  All the deliciousness of a fabulous cocktail without the guilt...yes please!! (pssss the secret is LaCroix---if you haven't tried LaCroix yet, we may not even be friends. LaCroix is seriously my secret to life.  Do yourself a favor and get you some all flavors..they're all delish! But I will admit I'm partial to the Peach-Pear!)  So here it is figure-friendly Skinny Sparkling Juice served up in my adorable Prickly Pear Cactus Sipper!! Cheers mommas to good guilt-free cocktails and to date nights without the kids!! ;)

xx, Momma Mojito




  • 1.5 oz. Tito's Vodka (you can substitute your favorite but may change the calorie count!)
  • 1.5 oz. Trop50 Orange Juice
  • Splash of Grenadine (approximately 1 teaspoon!)
  • Peach-Pear LaCroix Sparkling Water to taste
  • Orange Slice for Garnish (optional)


In a glass of your choice, fill with ice.  Pour in the vodka, orange juice, and grenadine.  Stir thoroughly.  Add LaCroix to the top or to taste.  Stir lightly.  Garnish with an orange slice if desired.  Enjoy immediately! Cheers!

It's Friday Cocktail Time!! THE Margarita Edition!!

(Side note---my embroidered kimono shown here will be available for purchase next week! Necklaces, olive top, cocktail shaker available NOW!!...Another side note--Didn't Mr. Mojito pick out gorgeous flowers??? He's the sweetest!!)

Hey mommas!!! Happy Friday!! Today is a bit of a bittersweet Friday around here because it's our last official Friday of summer!! School starts next Friday for my kiddos!! We're excited to get back on a routine, but man it's always so sad to see summer go.  It's been such a busy summer.  I feel like it just got started and now it's already over. Bummer.

Well, I need a cocktail.  How about you mommas?? Did you know after an entire year of Friday Cocktail Times, I haven't made a margarita for you mommas?!! Whaaaaat??? Isn't that crazy?? I know. I love a good margarita---I mean who doesn't right?  Well, I've been waiting for just the right time to whip up a margarita recipe for you mommas, so what better time than my first video edition of Friday Cocktail Time?!!

PLUS!! It's an extra special edition, because we just released our adorable Cactus Cocktail Shaker which makes its debut in the video recipe!!  You NEED this cocktail shaker!! It is so stinkin' cute, I can hardly stand it.  Trust me--you'll feel the same way.  It makes a fabulous gift too!! Guaranteed that you won't find it in just any store.  It's such a unique and adorable addition to your bar and I know you're going to love it! Go to the Drinkware tab to get yours stat!! ;) So here it is mommas, my signature and delicious sure to check out the video link below too!! :) Cheers mommas and adios summer!!

xx, Momma Mojito




  • 1.5 oz. High Quality Silver Tequila (Patron, 1800, etc--I used 1800 in mine!)
  • 1 oz. High Quality Orange Liqueur (Cointreau, Grand Marnier, or Gran Gala)
  • Fresh Juice of Half a Lime (not the mini Key West limes but NORMAL sized limes!!)
  • Agave Nectar (1/4 oz nectar mixed with 1/4 oz water)--you don't want it too sweet!
  • Kosher Salt, Margarita Salt, Sugar (whichever you prefer) for the Rim
  • Lime Wedge for Garnish


Take a lime wedge, and run it over the rim of your glass.  (You can use whatever glass you prefer--martini, margarita, rocks glass, etc.)  Now dip the rim of the glass in the salt and shake off the excess.  Set aside.  Now, fill your cocktail shaker with ice.  Add tequila, orange liqueur, agave nectar mixture, and lime juice to the cocktail shaker.  Shake until thoroughly chilled...approximately 10-20 seconds.  Strain into your glass.  You can serve over ice if you prefer but it's cold and delicious just how it is.  Garnish with the lime wedge.  Cheers mommas!!