peach mojito

It's Friday Cocktail Time! Peach Mojito Edition!

Hey mommas! Happy Friday to you girls! Hope you all are having a great summer so far! It's been a super busy one for me! We have been out of town for basically all of summer so far, and now that we are finally back home it feels so good! I am so excited to get some time with my kiddos at the pool and just catching up on lost time during the school year.

This week, the kids and I headed to our local farmer's market to stock up on all sorts of yummy fruits and veggies.  We had the greatest time talking to all the farmers. :) Also, my kids tend to eat better when they get a say on what I buy.  One of the things they insisted that we load up on was all of the yummy fresh peaches.  Oh my goodness, I am sooooo glad we did.  I love fresh peaches in the summertime.  Is there anything better?  So with our large bushel of delicious peaches, I have been trying to make myself utilize them in some recipes instead of just devouring them whole...although truth be told, I love to do that too.  Peaches are wonderful in so many desserts, but did you know they are also fabulous in cocktails?  It's true.  The sweetness with just a bit of tart makes for a perfect summer drink.  So first up on peach cocktail making is of course....the mojito.  Peach Mojitos are juicy and refreshing.  I highly recommend trying one this weekend girls and enjoy the fruits of summer!  Cheers and see you next week!

xo, Momma Mojito




  • 1.5 oz. Bacardi White Rum
  • Juice of Half a Lime
  • Half a Peach (diced)
  • 5-6 Medium Mint Leaves
  • .5 oz Simple Syrup
  • Club Soda to Taste
  • Mint Sprig, Peach Slice, and Lime Wedge for Garnish


In a highball glass, throw in your diced peaches, mint leaves, and simple syrup.  Muddle until the peaches begin to break down.  Fill the glass with crushed ice.  Pour in rum and lime juice.  Now fill to the top with club soda.  Stir lightly.  Garnish.  Cheers mommas!